How to Write Keyword Articles

Distributing articles is an effective form of website marketing, but you need to know how to write keyword articles to get the maximum impact. Why should you write keyword articles for reprint? Having your articles posted on other websites will generate incoming links and targeted traffic to your website. It is also a great way to build the page rank of your own website.

By writing articles that focus one specific keyword phrase, your article will stand a better chance of being picked up by other websites, plus it will rank better in the search engines for that particular term.

How to write keyword articles

As you can see, the benefits of submitting articles for publication are worth the effort of writing your articles. Here are some tips on how to write keyword articles for publication.

  1. Subject: Focus your article on one specific topic that will benefit the reader. The more specific your keyword phrase, the better. Try to choose a keyword phrase that gets searched for a lot, but yet doesn't have a lot of competition.


  2. Title: Use the main keyword phrase that you will be targeting in your title. If you can, try to write your title for better placement by using an alphabetic strategy. In other words, a title that starts out "A Long Road Home" would appear before "The Long Road Home". Be sure to write your title so that it is eye-catching enough to entice the visitor to read further.


  3. Introduction and Conclusion: Keep both of these short and concise to hold the reader's attention. Including your keyword phrase in both the introduction and conclusion will help focus your article, and distribute your keyword placement more evenly.


  4. Offer genuine information: If you offer quality content, distributing articles for reprint is a good way to build traffic to your website. You don't want to include a sales pitch or any affiliate links in your article, but rather information that will lead people back to your website (which is the proper place to generate sales).


  5. Make it Visually Appealing: If you are offering helpful tips, include them in bulleted or numbered lists if appropriate, and break up your text with white-space.


  6. Length: Most articles are 750 to 1000 words in length, but check the requirements of the article banks and websites for the specifics of how to write keyword articles for submission.


  7. Resource Box: At the bottom of your article you can include a resource box that has information about yourself and your website, as well as a link to your website. Keep it between 60 to 80 words. Specify that the resource box should remain intact if the article is reprinted.


  8. Proofread and Spell-check: Website owners are busy and don't have time to spell-check your article or make sure that it reads well. Remember, if you submit shoddy work, it probably won't get picked up by other websites.

Once you learn how to write keyword articles, it can be one of the best ways to build incoming links to your website. Not only will it increase your website traffic, but if you write quality articles, you will become a trusted professional in your area of expertise. Above all, this is a free form of advertising that really works.

In our next lesson, we will discuss how to go about distributing your articles on the web.

Next: Distributing Articles to Free Web Content Resources
Previous: Articles- A powerful website marketing strategy

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